Emotional Management: Nurturing Well-Being and Resilience
In today's fast-paced and demanding world, effectively managing our emotions...
The Result of Your Thoughts Is Your Attitude
Coming from a family of negative Nelly‘s, it was a challenge being positive.…
Understanding, Sympathetic or Compassionate?
At one time I thought I was compassionate, but I was; occasionally understanding…
Clear Communication Quells Fear Especially In This Time of COVID-19
I care about you and the peace of mind that you and your…
Happy Pre Valentines
Valentine’s Day is for some who feel obligated by florists, chocolate & card…
Have you ever felt Humbled in your Powerlessness?
The idea that I was powerless over other people (not me) places and…
Mind your own beeswax!
When I was young, the statement “mind your own beeswax” was made by…